Senin, 25 Juni 2018

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Ga-ga (Hebrew: ?? - ?? ? literally 'touch-touch') is a dodgeball variant that plays in ga-ga "pit". The game combines dodging, striking, running, and jumping, with the intention of being the last person to stand. Players hit each other's balls with their hands, and are eliminated if the ball strikes them at or below the knee. The game can be played by a group of individual players or with teams, as well as in one-on-one matches. Rules, ball types, pit surfaces, and pit sizes can vary greatly in different places.

Video Ga-ga


Ga-ga is played in a large fenced area (usually an octagon or hexagon) called ga-ga pit. Pit ga ga generally consists of flat walls on the ground, grass, sand, or smooth rubber surfaces. The ga-ga ball can vary in size and shape, generally from dodgeball foam to rubber balls. The game starts when one player or referee throws a ga-ga ball into the air; while their backs or hands cling to the wall, the players shout "Ga" at each of the first three reflections. After three strokes, the ball is played, and the player can leave the wall and "hit" each other's ball in the pit. A player who is exposed to the ball or breaks rules is omitted and must leave the game. Players should not "hit" the ball twice in a row, and a player causes the ball to leave the pit out. When the ball is caught in the air quickly, the last person to hit the ball out.

Maps Ga-ga

General rules

  1. Players can hit the ball with their hands, but taking the ball and throwing it at the player is not allowed. Some versions do not allow "scooping," or arching a person's finger when hitting the ball so as to project the ball into the air. In some games, only open hand hit is permitted to prevent striking injuries in small children and also to allow for greater ball control, keeping it low and bound.
  2. If the ball touches the player anywhere on or below the knee (in some versions, under the ankle or waist), the player is eliminated from the game. If a player strikes himself with the ball, accidentally or otherwise, the player is eliminated.
  3. The player must not hit the ball out of the pit. The penalty for breaking this rule is given to the last player to touch the ball before leaving the pit, not to the original bat. Because this provision can result in a strategy of hitting the ball upwards to eliminate other players, a rule that prohibits a scoop attempt to prevent this. In some versions, exceptions are made if the ball touches a wall or ground before leaving a hole; in this scenario, the exit is considered as a result of the reflection, and the player is not removed.
  4. Holding or using a wall to help jumps is called a "wall jump" and is forbidden. However, some variations allow wall jumping.
  5. No player can hit the ball twice in a row, unless the ball touches a wall or another player between the touches. This rule is sometimes extended to include "self-serving", which prevents the player from serving the ball from being the first to touch the ball.
  6. If a player pulls a ball into the air, another player can catch it and subdue it. Another player then exits. Some variations prohibit complete capture.
  7. The player must come out of the pit completely to show that he has been eliminated.
  8. A player must start the game with one of their legs (or several versions of the hand) touch the hole wall. One player or referee should throw a ball and bounce three times and sing "Ga-Ga-Ga". If a player moves their legs (or hands) from the wall before the singing, they are removed.
  9. The last game winner is entitled to start the next game.

Other rules can be added as necessary, and some may choose to play without all the above rules. Additional rules that vary in implementation frequency include blocking restrictions (using a person's hand as a barrier between a ball and a person's feet, rather than jumping), crouching, playing on the ground, and rolling over. In other variations, additional balls can enter play towards the end of the game if the remaining two or three players make progress slowly. Usually, there will be a count of 20 seconds when playing too slow and only 2 or 3 players are left. At the end of the countdown, a new game begins.

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Popularity outside Israel

Ga-ga was played in the Australian Jewish community in Perth, Western Australia, from the 1960s. The 1980s saw a growing period for the Ga-ga junior competition. The game was introduced through the exchange of Israeli madrikhim (counselors) to Australia or Australia madrikhim who returned from Israel. Ga-ga was also played in the US Jewish camps and the Youth Movement of the 1960s, which had been introduced through the same mechanism.

Mainstream Ga-ga

In July 2012, The New York Times wrote it, "surprising the parents who remember the game from their youth, Gaga is a strong mainstream." Among the things that contribute to the expansion of ga-ga, the article recognizes children's love of the game. "They teach it to their parents and not vice versa.This is not like baseball or soccer or tennis, where they have to imitate other people.

North American Expansion

It is believed to have been brought to the United States by an Israeli counselor working in the Jewish summer camp. It was played in the early mid-1960s at various locations. Children often learn about gauges through summer camps in Canada and the United States, with different hole sizes.

Ga-ga continued the US expansion into Manhattan with the opening of The Gaga Center, the first facility in New York dedicated to sport.

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In Popular Cultures

  • In the 8th episode of Bob's Burgers, "Y Tu Ga-Ga Tambien", students from Wagstaff become obsessed with Ga-Ga ball after being introduced by guidance counselor Mr. Frond. The game quickly takes over the break, being the only thing anyone wants to do or talk about. Except for Gene, who feels that just because something is fun and popular, that does not mean it's the only thing you want to do and that people should not be afraid to dislike it or want to do something else.

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See also

  • Israeli Culture
  • the discovery and discovery of Israel
  • Sports in Israel

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External links

  • Ultimate Camp source about Ga-ga rule

Source of the article : Wikipedia
