A cemetery is a ceremony associated with a funeral, cremation, or burial of a corpse, or a funeral (or equivalent) with an attendant ceremony. Funeral customs consist of complex beliefs and practices used by cultures to remember and honor the dead, from burials, to monuments, prayers, and rituals performed to honor them. Customs vary between cultures and religious groups. Common secular motivations for funerals include grieving for the dead, celebrating their lives, and offering support and sympathy to the bereaved; In addition, the cemetery may have a religious aspect intended to assist the expected soul of the deceased in the afterlife, resurrection or reincarnation.
The cemetery usually includes a ritual in which the body receives its final release. Depending on culture and religion, this may involve the destruction of the body (eg, by cremation or the sky burial) or its preservation (eg, by mummification or interment). Different beliefs about cleanliness and the relationship between body and soul are reflected in funeral practices. funeral ceremony or the celebration of life is a funeral ceremony performed without the rest of the dead.
The word cemetery comes from the Latin funus , which has various meanings, including the corpse and the funeral itself. The art of burial is an art produced in connection with burial, including various types of graves, and special objects made for burial such as flowers with corpses.
Video Funeral
The funeral is as old as the human culture itself, the modern pre-dating Homo sapiens and dated at least 300,000 years ago. For example, in Shanidar Caves in Iraq, in the Pontnewydd Caves in Wales and elsewhere throughout Europe and the Near East, archaeologists have found a Neanderthal skeleton with a distinctive layer of flower pollen. This deliberate burial and reverence given to the dead has been interpreted as showing that Neanderthals have religious beliefs, although the evidence is not firm - while the dead seem to be buried intentionally, digging rodents can introduce flowers.
Subcultural and historical research subjects that substantially document funeral customs as a stable and predictable force in society. Funeral customs tend to be characterized by five "anchors": important symbols, community gathering, ritual acts, cultural heritage, and transition from corpses.
Maps Funeral
Religious funeral
Funeral in BahÃÆ'¡'ÃÆ' Faith is characterized by not embalming, a ban on cremation, using chrysolite or hardwood crates, wrapping the body with silk or cotton, burial no more than an hour (including flights) from the place of death, and putting the ring on the finger of the deceased which states, "I come out of the Lord, and return to Him, apart from all His saving, hold fast to His Name, the Merciful, the Merciful." The Bahá¡'ÃÆ' alsoà ¢ â,‰ "¢ s funeral service also contains the only prayer allowed to be read as a congregational prayer group, although most of the prayers are read by one person in the meeting. The declaration of BahÃÆ'¡'ÃÆ'  ¢ à ¢ à ¢ controls¬Ã, often controls some aspects of the Bahá¡Â¡ cemetery service, since leaving the will and testament is a requirement for BahÃÆ'¡'ÃÆ's. Since there is no priest Bahá'ÃÆ', service is usually performed under cover, or with the help of, the Local Spiritual Assembly.
A Buddhist funeral marks the transition from one life to the next for the deceased. It also reminds lives of their own mortality.
Christian funerals usually occur in consecrated lands. Funerals, rather than destructive processes like cremation, are traditional practices among Christians, because of the belief in the resurrection of the body. Cremation then began to be widely used, although some denominations forbade it. The US Catholic Bishops Conference says, "The Church sincerely recommends that a godly custom to bury the deceased's remains be observed, however, the Church does not prohibit cremation unless it is chosen for reasons contrary to Christian doctrine" (canon 1176.3).
The congregation of various denominations performs different ceremonies, but most involve prayers, scripture readings from the Bible, sermons, homilies, or speeches, and music. One issue of concern in the 21st century begins with the use of secular music in Christian cemeteries, a custom generally forbidden by the Roman Catholic Church.
Antyesti, literally "the last or final sacrifice", refers to the rite-part ritual associated with the burial in Hinduism. Sometimes referred to as Antima Samskaram , Antya-kriya , Anvarohanyya , or Vahni Sanskara .
A dead adult Hindu is cremated, while a dead child is usually buried. The transitional rite is said to be in harmony with the sacred premise that the microcosm of all living things is a reflection of the macrocosm of the universe. The soul (Atman, Brahman) is believed to be the eternal essence that is released on the Antyeshti ritual, but the body and the universe are vehicles and temporary in various schools of Hinduism. They consist of five elements: air, water, fire, earth and space. The last transitional rite restores the body to the five elements and origins. The root of this belief is found in the Vedas, for example in the Rveda spiritual chant in section 10.16, as follows,
The last ritual of the cemetery, in the case of a child's death, is rooted in the Rig Veda section 10.18, where the song of praise compliments the child's death, praying to the god of Mrityu to "not harm our daughters and our sons", and beg the earth for cover, protect the dead child as soft wool.
Among the Hindus, the corpse is usually cremated within a day of death. Body washed, wrapped in white cloth for a man or a widow, red for a married woman, two toes tied together with a rope, a Titak (red mark) placed on the forehead. Dead bodies of dead adults were taken to the cremation ground near rivers or water, by family and friends, and laid on wooden piles with feet facing south. The eldest son, or the bereaved man, or the priest then bathed before leading the function of the cremation ceremony. He surrounds a dry wooden block with his body, speaks a speech or reads a hymn in some cases, puts sesame seeds in the dead man's mouth, sows the body and piles of wood with ghee (clarified butter), then draws three lines that indicate Yama (god of death), Kala (time, cremation deity) and the dead. The stove was then burned, while the mourners mourned. Ash from cremation cleansed to the nearest river or sea. After cremation, the period of mourning is observed for 10 to 12 days after which direct male relatives or sons of the deceased shave their heads, prune their nails, recite prayers with the help of imams or Brahmins and invite all their relatives, relatives, friends and neighbors to eat simple food together to remember the deceased. Today, in some communities, it also marks the day when the needy and needy food is offered to commemorate the dead.
Cemetery in Islam (called Janazah in Arabic) follows rite which is quite specific. In all cases, however, the sharia (Islamic religious law) calls for the burial of the body, preceded by a simple ritual involving bathing and covering the body, followed by prayer.
Funeral rituals should usually be done as soon as possible and include:
- Bathe the corpse with water, camphor and ziziphus lotus leaves, except in exceptional circumstances as in Battle.
- Confiscate dead bodies with cotton or white linen except for exceptional cases such as combat. In such cases the clothing does not change.
- Read a funeral prayer in all cases for a Muslim.
- Burial burial in the cemetery in all cases for a Muslim.
- Position the deceased so that when face or body faces to the right side facing Mecca.
Morning period is 40 days.
In Judaism, burials follow a fairly specific rite, although they are subject to variation in customs. The cemetery in Judaism has many features with the Muslims. The Jewish religious law (Halakha) calls for a preparation ritual involving bathing and enveloping the body accompanied by prayers and readings from the Hebrew Bible, and then a funeral ceremony marked with a short prayer and praise speech, grave and fill the grave. Traditional laws and practices prohibit body cremation; Reform of the Jewish movement generally prohibits cremation but does not directly prohibit it.
Funeral ceremonies should usually be done as soon as possible and include:
- Bathe the corpse.
- Seize the dead body. Men are covered with kittel and then (outside the Land of Israel) with a tallit (shawl), while women are covered in a plain white cloth.
- Keep an eye on the corpse.
- Funeral services, including eulogies and brief prayers.
- Burial burial in the cemetery.
- Filling the tomb, traditionally done by family members and other participants in the cemetery.
- In many communities, the deceased is placed so that the foot faces the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (to anticipate that the deceased will face the Third Rebuilt Temple when the messiah arrives and raises the dead).
In the death of Sikhism is not considered a natural process, an event that has absolute certainty and only occurs as a direct result of the Will of God or Hukam. For a Sikh, birth and death are closely related, since they are part of the human life cycle of "coming and going" (??????, Aana Jaana) seen as a temporary stage leading to Liberation (????? ????, Mokh Du-aar), complete unity with God; Sikhs believe in reincarnation.
The soul itself does not submit to the cycle of birth and death; Death is only the development of the soul in its journey from God, through the created universe and return to God again. In life, a Sikh is expected to always remember death so he can pray, miss, and correct to break the cycle of birth and death and return to God.
The public display of sadness by lamenting or crying loudly at the cemetery (called Antam Sanskar in Sikh culture) is not recommended and should be kept to a minimum. Cremation is the preferred method of disposal, although if it is not possible other methods such as burial, or burial at sea, are acceptable. Markers such as tombstones, monuments, etc. Not recommended, because the body is considered only the shell and the soul of a person is their true essence.
On the day of cremation, the body is washed and dressed and then taken to Gurdwara or the house where the hymns (Shabads) of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the Sikh scriptures are read by the congregation. Kirtan can also be done by Ragis while relatives of the deceased read "Waheguru" sitting near the coffin. This service usually takes 30 to 60 minutes. At the end of service, Ardas was said before the coffin was brought to the cremation site.
At the cremation point, several more Shabads were sung and a final speech was made about the deceased. The eldest son or close relatives usually light a fire. This service usually lasts about 30 to 60 minutes.
Abu was then collected and disposed of by immersing them in Punjab (the five famous rivers in India).
The Sidaran Paath The ceremony where Sidharan Paath begins after the cremation ceremony, can be held when comfortable, wherever Guru Granth Sahib is present:
The song is sung from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The first and last five verses of "Anand Sahib," "Song of Bliss," are read or sung. The first five verses of the Sikhism morning prayer, "Japji Sahib," are read out to begin the Sidharan paath. A hukam, or random verse, is read from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Ardas, prayers, offered. Prashad, who is sacred sweet, is distributed. Langar, food, served for the guests. While Sidharan pahih is being read, the family can also sing songs of praise every day. Reading may take as long as it takes to complete a paath.
The ceremony was followed by Sahaj Paath Bhog, Kirtan Sohila, the evening prayer was recited 1 week and finally Ardas called "Antim Ardas" ("Last Prayer") offered last week.
Western Cemetery
Classic ancient
Ancient Greek
The Greek word for burial - k? DeÃÆ'a (??????) - comes from the verb k? Domai (???????), which means being present, taking care of someone. Derivative words are also k? DemÃÆ'³n (???????, "guardian") and k? DemonÃÆ'a (?????????, "guardianship"). From the Cycladic civilization in 3000BC to the Hypo-Mycenaean era in 1200-1100 BC the main practice of burial was burial. The cremation of the dead that appeared around the 11th century BC is a new funeral practice and may have been an influence of the East. Until the Christian era, when burial became the only burial practice, both cremation and burial had been practiced depending on the region.
The ancient Greek cemeteries since the Homer era include the prÃÆ'³thesis (???????), the ekphorÃÆ'¡ (??????), the burial and perÃÆ'deipnon (??????????). In many cases, this process is followed faithfully in Greece to this day.
Prehistoric is the deposition of the deceased's body on the bed and the children of his relatives. Today the body is placed in a coffin, which is always open in the Greek cemetery. This part takes place in the house where the deceased lived. An important part of the Greek tradition is the epicedium, the sad songs sung by the deceased's family along with the professional mourners (who have become extinct in the modern era). The deceased was witnessed by her lover all night before the funeral, a mandatory ritual in popular thought, which was kept silent.
Ekphorá is the process of transporting mortal remnants from the deceased from his place of residence to the church, now and then to the place of burial. The procession in ancient times, according to the law, should have passed silently in the streets of the city. Usually certain favorite objects from the deceased were placed in the coffin to "go with him." In certain areas, the coin to pay Charon, which transports the dead to the underworld, is also placed in the coffin. The last kiss was given to a loved one who had died by the family before the coffin was closed.
The Roman orator Cicero explains the habit of planting flowers around the tomb in an effort to ensure a break from the deceased and purifying the land, a habit that has been preserved to this day. After the ceremony, the mourners returned to the house of the deceased for perÃÆ'deipnon , dinner after the funeral. According to archaeological finds-traces of ash, animal bones, pottery fragments, plates and basins-dinner during the classical era were also held at the cemetery. Taking into account written sources, however, dinner can also be served in homes.
Two days after the burial, a ceremony called "thirds" was held. Eight days after the burial of relatives and friends of the deceased gathered at the cemetery, where the "ninth" will take place, a custom is retained. In addition to this, in the modern era, the funeral ceremony lasts 40 days, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year after death and since then every year on the anniversary of death. Relatives of the deceased, for an indefinite period of time hanging on them, were in mourning, where women were wearing black clothing and men's black armbands.
Ancient Rome
In ancient Rome, the oldest living man from the household, the father's father, was called to the bed of death, where he sought to catch and breathe last of the dead.
The funeral of a social figure is usually done by a professional officer called libitinarii . No direct description is derived from Roman burial ceremonies. These rites usually include a general procession to the tomb or burning place where the body is cremated. The surviving relation gave birth to masks with pictures of deceased family ancestors. The right to carry a mask in public is finally limited to a family that is prominent enough to hold a magistrate curator . Mimes, dancers, and musicians hired by administrators, and female professional mourners, took part in this procession. Incompetent Roma can join the kindly funeral community ( collegia funeraticia ) who perform this ritual on their behalf.
Nine days after the disposal of the body, with burial or cremation, a party was given ( cena novendialis ) and an offering poured over a grave or ash. Because most Romans are cremated, ash is usually collected in a jar and placed in a niche in collective tombs called columbarium (literally, "dovecote"). During this nine-day period, the house was considered contaminated, funesta , and hung with a Taxus baccata or Cypress Mediterranean branch to warn passersby. At the end of the period, the house was swept to symbolically rid it of the death stain.
Some Roman holidays commemorate the ancestors of deceased families, including Parentalia, held 13 February to 21, in honor of family ancestors; and the Feast of the Fat, held on May 9, 11 and 13, where ghosts (larvae ) are feared to be active, and the pater family is trying to calm them down with peanut offerings.
The Romans prohibited cremation or inhumation within the city's sacred borders (pomerium), for religious and civic reasons, so that priests may not be contaminated by touching corpses, and that homes will not be contaminated. threatened by a funeral fire.
Restrictions on length, ostentation, costs, and behavior during funerals and mourning are gradually enforced by various lawmakers. Often the grandeur and length of the rite can be politically or socially motivated to advertise or multiply certain relatives in Roman society. It is considered destructive of society and the conditions for grieving are set. For example, under some laws, women are strictly forbidden to mourn or tear their faces and their limits are introduced for expenditure on graves and funeral outfits.
The Romans generally built graves for themselves during their lifetime. Therefore these words often occur on ancient inscriptions, V.F. Vivus Facit, V.S.P. Vivus Sibi Posuit. Graves of the rich are usually built from marble, covered land with walls, and planted with trees. But a common sepulcher is usually built underground, and is called hypogea. There is a niche that is cut from the wall, where the jar is placed; This, from its resemblance to the pigeon house pavement, is called columbaria.
North American cemetery
In the United States and Canada, in most cultural groups and territories, funeral rituals can be divided into three parts: visits, funerals, and funerals.
On a visit (also called "seeing", "waking up" or "call clock"), in a Christian or secular Western habit, the body of a deceased person (or deceased person) is placed on a screen in a coffin (also called coffin, but almost all body containers are coffins). Vision often occurs one or two nights before the funeral. In the past, it was a common practice to place coffins in the homes of the dead or relative to be seen. This practice continues in many areas of Ireland and Scotland. The body traditionally wears the best outfits of the offenders. Lately there is more variation in what the dead do - some people choose to wear more clothing reflecting how they dress in life. The body will often be decorated with ordinary jewelry, such as watches, necklaces, brooches, etc. The jewelry may have been taken and given to the deceased's family before being buried or buried with the deceased. Jewelry should be removed before cremation to prevent damage to the crematorium. The body may or may not be embalmed, depending on factors such as the amount of time since death occurs, religious practice, or funeral requirements.
The most commonly prescribed aspect of this meeting is that participants sign a book kept by survivors who died to record who is present. In addition, families may choose to display photographs taken from people who have died during their lifetime (often, formal portraits with other family members and candid photographs to show "happy moments"), valuables and items others representing his hobby. and/or achievement. A newer trend is to create DVDs with pictures and videos of the deceased, accompanied by music, and play these DVDs continuously during the visit.
What is seen is an "open box", where the embalmed body has been dressed and treated with cosmetics for display; or "closed box", where the coffin is closed. The coffin can be closed if the body is too damaged by accident or fire or other trauma, disability due to illness, if someone in the group is emotionally unable to cope with seeing a corpse, or if the deceased does not want to be a victim. seen. In such a case, the picture of the deceased, usually a formal photograph, is placed on a coffin.
However, this move was foreign to Judaism; Jewish cemeteries are held immediately after death (preferably within a day or two, unless more time is required for relatives to come), and corpses are never shown. The Law forbids embalming. Traditionally the flowers (and music) are not sent to a grieving Jewish family because this is a reminder of the life that is now lost. Jewish shiva traditions make family members reluctant to cook, so food is brought by friends and neighbors. ( See also Jewish mourning. )
Close friends and close relatives who can not attend often send flowers to watch, with the exception of Jewish cemeteries, where flowers are not appropriate (donations are often given to charity).
Obituaries sometimes contain requests for participants not to send flowers (eg "Instead of interest"). The use of these phrases has increased over the past century. In the US in 1927, only 6% of obituaries included a directive, with only 2.2% of the charitable donations. By mid-century, they had grown to 14.5%, with more than 54% of those who recorded charitable donations as the preferred method of expressing sympathy. Today, more than 87% of them have such records - but these statistics vary by demographic.
Vision usually occurs in the funeral home, which is equipped with a meeting room where the view can be performed, although seeing can also occur in a church. Vision may end with a prayer service; in Roman Catholic cemeteries, this may include the rosary.
Visits are often held the night before the funeral. However, when the deceased is elderly, visits may be held immediately before the funeral. This allows the elderly friends of the deceased to have a chance to see the body and attend the funeral in one trip, as it may be difficult for them to organize the trip; this step can also be taken if the deceased has some survivors or survivors who want a funeral with only a small number of guests.
Worship memorials, often called funerals, are often inaugurated by pastors of churches, or abandoned, or abandoned churches. A funeral can be done at a funeral home, a church, or a crematorium or a funeral chapel. Funerals are held according to family choice, which may be several days after the time of death, allowing family members to attend services. This type of warning service is most common for Christians, and Roman Catholics call it mass when the Eucharist (fellowship) is offered, the coffin is closed and a priest says a prayer and a blessing. Roman Catholic burial should be done in the parish church (usually from the deceased, or family tomb, or parish where the deceased has a special relationship). Sometimes family members or friends of the dead will say something. If the funeral ceremony takes place in a funeral home (generally at a funeral home of worship), it can be directed by a clergy (mostly for Protestant churches and sometimes for Catholic churches) or hosted by the most commonly close members of the family parent. In some traditions if this service takes place in a funeral home, it's the same if it happens in church. These services if they occur in a funeral home consist of prayers, blessings, and eulogies from the family.
The open-casket service (common in North America) allows mourners to have a last chance to see the deceased and say goodbye. There is a priority sequence when approaching the coffin at this stage which usually begins with close relatives (siblings, parents, spouses, children); followed by other mourners, after which the close relatives can file again, so they are the last to see their loved ones before the coffin is closed. This opportunity may occur immediately before the service begins, or at the end of the service. Roman Catholic burial should be covered with coffins, and relatives are expected to attend a few days before the service.
Open cemetery and coffin visits are very rare in some countries, such as Britain and most European countries, where there is usually only a close relative to actually see dead people and often people do it. The funeral service itself is almost always covered in coffins. Funeral homes are generally not used for funeral services, which are almost exclusively held in churches, cemeteries, or crematorium chapels.
The deceased is usually transported from the funeral home to the church in the hearse, a special vehicle designed to carry the remains of a coffin. The deceased is often transported in a procession (also called cortical funeral), with a hearse, a funeral service vehicle, and a private car traveling in a procession to the church or other location where the service will be held. In some jurisdictions, special laws include funeral processions - such as those that require most other vehicles to grant the right to funeral processions. Vehicle funeral services can be equipped with special light bars and flasher to increase their visibility on the road. They may also have their headlamps, to identify which vehicles are part of the cortege, although the practice also has roots in ancient Roman customs. After the funeral, if the deceased is buried, the funeral procession will be continued to the cemetery if not already there. If the deceased is cremated, the funeral procession may proceed to the crematorium.
Religious funeral services generally include prayer, reading from sacred texts, hymns (sung either by a participant or a hired vocalist) and words of consolation by clergy. Often, a relative or close friend will be asked to give a speech, which tells of pleasant memories and achievements rather than criticism. Sometimes the speech was delivered by the pastor. Church bells can also be charged before and after service.
In some religious denominations, for example, Roman Catholics, and Anglicans, the praise of loved ones is somewhat discouraged during this service. In such a case, the speech was only made by a member of the clergy. This tradition gives way to eulogies that are read by family members or friends. In these religions the coffins are traditionally closed at the end of the wake and are not reopened for funerals.
During the funeral and at the cemetery, the coffin may be covered with a large flower arrangement, called a coffin spray. If the deceased serves in a branch of the armed forces, the coffin may be covered with a national flag; However, in the US, no one should cover the national flag according to Title 4, United States Code, Chapter 1, Paragraph 8i. If a funeral is held in a church, the coffin is normally covered with a white veil, reminiscent of the white dress of baptism.
The customs of the cemetery vary from country to country. In the United States, any type of noise other than a quiet whisper or mourning is considered impolite. The traditional cemetery of firefighters consists of two rising air staircases. The firefighter (s) travel under the antenna on their journey, in the fire apparatus, to the cemetery. Once there, the service of the tomb includes playing a bagpipe. The pipes are characteristic of the burial of a fallen hero. Also "Last Alarm Bell" is sounded. A portable fire bell rings at the end of the ceremony.
Funeral service
At religious funerals, performed at the graveside, grave, grave or cremation, the bodies of the dead are buried or cremated at conclusion.
Sometimes, funeral services will soon follow the funeral, in this funeral procession runs from the funeral site to the funeral site. In some other cases, the funeral is a funeral, in which case the procession can run from the funeral office to the grave site. At other times, funeral ceremonies occur at a later time, when the final resting place is ready, if death occurs in the middle of winter.
If the deceased person is serving in a branch of the armed forces, military ceremonies are often given at funerals.
In many religious traditions, the bearer of the corpse, usually a male relative or friend of the deceased, will bring the coffin of the chapel (funeral home or church) to the hearse, and from the hearse to the funeral scene. The bearer of the corpse often sits in a special section booked during the funeral.
Most religions expect the coffin to be kept closed during the funeral. In Eastern Orthodox cemeteries, the coffins are reopened before burial to allow mourners to see the last deceased and give their final farewell. Greek cemetery is the exception because the coffin is open during the entire procedure unless the state of the body does not allow it.
The mortgage can ensure that all jewelry, including watches, that are displayed upon waking are in coffins before being buried or buried. Custom requires that everything get into the ground; This however does not apply to Jewish services. The Jewish tradition established that nothing worth being buried with the deceased.
In the case of cremation such items are usually discarded before the body enters the stove. Pacemakers are removed before cremation - if left inside they can explode.
Personal services
The deceased's family might just want to have a very small personal service, with only close family members close and friends in attendance. This type of ceremony is not open to the public, but only to those invited.
Warning service
Warning worship, or warning is one that is given for the deceased when the body is absent. This service is done after cremation or a funeral at sea, after body donations to academic or research institutions, or after the ashes have spread. It is also significant when the person is lost and allegedly dead, or known to die even though his body can not be recovered. This service often occurs in funeral homes; However, they can be held in homes, schools, workplaces, churches or other locations of some significance. Warning services may include speeches (eulogies), prayers, poems, or songs to commemorate the deceased. Pictures of the deceased and the flower are usually placed where the coffin will usually be placed.
After the sudden death of an important public official, public warning services have been organized by the public, including those who have no special connection with the deceased. For example, community warning services are held after the assassination of US presidents James A. Garfield and William McKinley.
European Cemetery
In Wales
A good cemetery (as they are called) has drawn the curtain for a period of time; in the back, when new visitors arrive, they will enter from the front door and leave through the back door. The women stay at home while the men attend the funeral, the village priest will then visit the family in their home to talk about the deceased and entertain them.
The first son of William Price, a Neo-Druidic Welsh priest, died in 1884. Believing that it was wrong to bury the corpse, and thus pollute the earth, Price decided to cremate his son's body, a practice that was commonplace in Celtic. community. Police arrested him for illegally dumping the corpse. Prices are successfully debated in court that while the law does not state that cremation is legal, it also does not state that it is illegal. This case set a precedent that, together with the activities of the newly established British Cremation Society, led to the 1902 Cremation Act. The law imposes procedural requirements before cremation can occur and limits the practice to authorized places.
In Finland
In Finland, the religious cemetery (hautajaiset) is quite ascetic. Local pastors or pastors say prayers and bless the deceased in their homes. The mourners (SaattovÃÆ'¤ki) traditionally bring food to the mourners home. At this time the deceased was put into a coffin in the place where they died. The board will take the coffin and place it in the hearse and drive it to the funeral home, while the closest relative or friend of the deceased will follow the hearse in a funeral procession in their own car. The coffin will be held at the funeral home until the day of the funeral. Funeral services can be divided into two parts. The first is a church service (siunaustilaisuus) in a cemetery chapel or a local church, rather than a burial.
In Iceland
In Italy
The majority of Italians are Roman Catholics and follow the tradition of Catholic burial. Historically, mourners will walk in funerary processions to the cemetery; the vehicle is currently in use.
In Greek
In Poland
In Poland, in urban areas, there are usually two, or just one "stop". The body, carried by the hearse from the morgue, can be brought to church or to the funeral chapel, Then there is a funeral or funeral service at the funeral chapel. Following Mass or Service, the coffin was carried in a procession (usually on foot) on the hearse to the grave. Upon arrival at the tomb, the priest will begin the service of the cemetery and the casket is lowered. Mass or service usually takes place in the cemetery.
In some traditional rural areas, wake ( czuwanie ) takes place at the home of the deceased or their family. The body is located in the country for three days at home. Funeral usually occurs on the third day. Family, neighbors, and friends gathered and prayed day and night for three days and three nights. Usually there are three stages in the funeral ceremony ( ceremonia pogrzebowa pogrzeb ): wake up ( czuwanie ), then the body is carried by the procession (usually on foot ) or people drive their own cars to church or funeral chapels for mass, and other processions by walking to the cemetery.
After the funeral, families gather for post-burial gatherings ( stypa ). It could be in a family home, or in a function hall. In Poland cremation is less popular because the Catholic Church in Poland does not allow it. Cremation is popular among non-Religious and Protestant in Poland.
In Russian
In Scotland
An old burial ceremony from the Scottish Highlands involves burying the deceased with a wooden plate resting on his chest. On the plate placed a small amount of soil and salt, to represent the future of the deceased. The earth implies that the body will rot and become one with the earth, while salt represents the soul, which does not rot. This rite is known as "the earth laid on the corpse". This practice is also done in Ireland, as well as in some parts of England, especially in Leicestershire, although in Britain the salt was meant to prevent air from swelling the corpse.
In Spanish
In Spain, burial or cremation can occur immediately after death. Most Spaniards are Roman Catholics and follow the tradition of Catholic funerals. First, family and friends sat with the deceased when they woke up to the funeral. Wakes is a social event and a time to laugh and honor the dead. Upon awakening, the funeral masses (Tanatorio) come to the church or the funeral chapel. Following Mass is a burial. The coffin is then transferred from the church to the local cemetery, often with the procession of locals walking behind the hearse.
Other funerals
Celebration of life
More and more families choose to hold a celebration of life or the celebration of life for the deceased on the side or instead of a traditional funeral. Such ceremonies can be held outside the funeral home or the place of worship; restaurants, parks, pubs and sports facilities are a popular choice based on the special interests of the deceased. The celebration of life focuses on the life that is lived, including the quality, interest, achievement, and the best impact of the person, rather than grieving over death. Some shows were described as an exhilarating party, rather than a grim traditional funeral. Taking on a happy and hopeful tone, the celebration of life prevents black wear and focuses on the individuality of the deceased. Extreme examples may have "complete open bar, food provided, and even delicious." The celebrations of the most recent renowned life ceremonies include ceremonies for RenÃÆ' © Angà © © lil and Maya Angelou.
Jazz Cemetery
Originally from New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, along with the emergence of jazz music in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, jazz cemeteries are a traditional African-American funeral ceremony and a unique life celebration in New Orleans involving a funeral procession accompanied by a brass band playing hilarious songs followed by cheerful jazz music. The traditional jazz cemetery begins with a procession led by the funeral director, family, friends, and brass bands, namely, the "main line", which line up from the funeral to the funeral site while the band plays Christian songs and praise songs which is slow. After the body was buried, or "cut loose", the band began to play tempos, fun jazz figures, as the main line of the parade through the streets and the crowd of "second liners" joined and started dancing and marching together, turning the funeral into a street festival.
The terms "green burial" and "natural burial", used interchangeably, apply to ceremonies aimed at restoring the body to the earth with little or no use of non-biodegradable materials. As a concept, the idea of ​​uniting an individual with the natural world after his death seemed as old as human death itself, which was widespread before the advent of the burial industry. Organizing an eco-friendly ceremony as a modern concept first attracted widespread attention in the 1990s. In the case of North America, the opening of the first "green" burial funeral in the United States takes place in the state of South Carolina. However, the Green Burial Council, formed in 2005, has based its operations out of California. The institution serves to formally declare funeral practices for funeral homes and funerals, ensuring that the right materials are used.
Religiously, some Roman Catholic Churches often have a special interest in the "green" cemetery given the preference of faith for the full burial of the body and the theological commitment to care for the environment expressed in Catholic social teaching.
Those concerned about the effects on traditional burial or cremation environments can be placed into the green shroud of natural bio-degradable decomposition. That, in turn, is sometimes placed into simple caskets made of cardboard or other materials that readily decompose. Furthermore, individuals may choose their last resting place to be in specially designed gardens or forests, sometimes known as "ecocemetery", and may have trees or other green items planted on top of their graves both as a contribution to the environment and the symbol of the remembrance.
Humanist and otherwise non-religious affiliation
British humanists organized a network of humanist funeral cruisers or officials throughout England and Wales, and similar networks were organized by the Scottish Humanist Society. Humane officials are trained and experienced in designing and performing ceremonies suitable for non-religious individuals. The humanist funeral does not know the "afterlife", but celebrates the life of the deceased. In the twenty-first century, humanist funerals were held for famous people including Claire Rayner, Keith Floyd, Linda Smith, and Ronnie Barker.
In areas outside the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland has featured an increasing number of non-religious funeral arrangements according to publications such as Dublin Live . This coincided with the growing tendency of the number of people who carefully made their own funeral before they died, writing the details of their own ceremonies. The Irish Association of Funeral Directors reports that funeral without religious focus occurs mainly in more urban areas than rural areas. The leading secular based cemetery has been held in other countries such as the Republic of Malta, where human rights and human rights activist Ramon Casha held a large-scale event at the Radisson Blu resort of Golden Sands aimed at putting her to sleep. Although such non-religious ceremonies are "a rare sight in Maltese society" because of the great role of the Roman Catholic Church in the culture of the country, according to Lovin Malta, "more and more Maltese people want to know about various forms of burial... without any religion involved. "
Actual events during the secular cemetery vary, but often reflect the interests and personality of the deceased. For example, ceremonies for Keith Floyd mentioned above, restaurant and television owners, including the reading of poetry works Rudyard Kipling If - and performances by musician Bill Padley. Organizations such as the Irish Institute of Celebrants have stated that more and more regular people are asking for training to organize funerals, instead of handing over goods to others.
A civil burial is an alternative to a religious or humanist ceremony in England. Unlike humanist funerals, civil burial may contain some religious content, such as hymns or readings if the wishes of the family.
Police/fire service
A special cemetery for members who fall from fire or general police services takes place in the United States and Canada. This cemetery involves the honorary guardians of the police and/or firefighting troops from all over the country and sometimes from abroad. A parade of officers often precedes or follows a hearse carrying a fallen comrade.
Masonic cemetery was held at the request of a Mason or an abandoned family member. Services may be held at any of the usual Residence Inns or rooms with a commitment at graveside, or full service may be conducted at any of the above mentioned places without separate commitments. Freemasonry does not require Masonic burial.
Not a single Masonic burial. Some Grand Lodges (it is a worldwide organization) have a determined service. Some customs include the chief clerk wearing a hat while doing his part in the service, the Lodge members put a pine sprig on the coffin, and a small white apron can be placed inside or in the coffin. The hat may be worn because it is a Masonic habit (in some places in the world) for the chairman to cover his head while leading. For the Masons, green grass is a symbol of immortality. A Mason wears a white apron, called "sheepskin," to become a Mason, and he can continue to wear it even in death.
Asian Cemetery
In most East Asian cultures, South Asia and many Southeast Asian cultures, the use of white is a symbol of death. In these societies, white or white-white robes have traditionally been used to symbolize that a person has died and may appear to be worn among the relatives of the deceased during the funeral. In Chinese culture, red is strictly forbidden because it is the color of traditional symbols of happiness. Exceptions are sometimes made if the deceased has reached an advanced age like 85, in which case the funeral is considered a celebration, where wearing white with some red is acceptable. But contemporary Western influence means that dark or black colored clothing is now often acceptable to mourners (especially for those outside the family). In such cases, mourners who wear dark colors can sometimes also wear white or white armor tires or white robes.
In Southern China the traditional Chinese gift to the participants upon entering is a white (and sometimes red) envelope, usually attaching a small amount of money (odd number, usually one), sweet red thread and handkerchief, each with symbolic meaning. Chinese customs state that nothing given during the funeral should be taken home, except for the red thread, which is tied to the front door of the mourners' house to ward off bad luck. Repetition 3 usually occurs when people in the cemetery can comb their hair three times or spit three times before leaving the cemetery to ward off bad luck. This habit is also found in other East Asian and Southeast Asian cultures, but the near-deceased family custom of giving gifts and money to others in the cemetery is not practiced in Northern China.
The contemporary burial of South Korea usually combines Western culture with traditional Korean culture, largely dependent on socioeconomic, territorial, and religious status. In almost all cases, all the related men in the family wore sleeved armbands representing seniority and lineage in relation to the deceased, and had to grieve beside the deceased for a period of three days before burying the body. During this time period, it is a habit for men in the family to greet personally all who come to show respect. While funerals are historically favorable, recent trends show a dramatic increase in cremation due to lack of proper burial places and difficulty in defending traditional graves. Cremated mortars are usually kept in columbaria.
In Japan
Most Japanese cemeteries are performed with Buddhist and/or Shinto rituals. Many ritually give new names to the deceased; funeral names usually use kanji and ancient or obsolete words, to avoid possible names used in ordinary speech or writing. New names are usually chosen by a Buddhist monk, after consultation with the deceased's family. Most of the Japanese were cremated.
Religious thought among the Japanese is generally a blend of Shint? and Buddhist beliefs. In modern practice, the particular rites of the individual passage through life are generally thought to originate from one of these two beliefs. Funerals and follow-up memorial services fall under Buddhist rituals, and 90% of Japanese cemeteries are performed in a Buddhist way. In addition to the religious aspect, the Japanese burial usually includes the wake, the deceased's cremation, and the inclusion in the family tomb. Follow-up services were then performed by a Buddhist monk on a certain anniversary after death.
According to estimates in 2005, 99.82% of all deceased Japanese were cremated. In many cases, the remains of cremation are placed in a jar and then stored in a family tomb. However, in recent years, alternative disposal methods have become more popular, including ash scattering, burial in space, and conversion of cremation remains into diamonds that can be arranged in jewelry.
In the Philippines
Funeral practices and funeral customs in the Philippines include the personal, cultural, and traditional beliefs and practices that Filipinos observe in relation to death, grief, and proper respect, burial, and remembering the dead. These practices have been strongly shaped by the various religions and cultures that enter the Philippines throughout its complex history.
Most, if not all Filipinos who now, like their ancestors, believed in a life form after death and paid great attention to honoring the dead. Except among the Muslim Filipinos (who are obliged to bury corpses less than 24 hours after death), wakes are generally held from three days to a week. Wakes in rural areas are usually held at home, while in urban settings the dead ones are usually displayed in funeral homes. Friends and neighbors bring food for the family, such as pancit noodles and bibingka cake ; All the leftovers were never brought home by the guests, because of their superstition. In addition to spreading the word about the death of a person orally, obituaries are also published in newspapers. Although the majority of Filipinos are Christians, they still have traditional beliefs about death.
In Korea
In Korea, funerals are usually held for three days and different things are done every day.
The first day: on the day a person dies, his body is transferred to the funeral hall. They prepare clothes for the body and place them inside the resting chapel. So the food is prepared for the deceased. It consists of three bowls of rice and three types of Korean side dishes. Also, there should be three coins and three straw shoes. This can be undone if the family of the deceased has a particular religion.
On the second day the funeral director washes the corpse and the covers are done. Then, a family member of the deceased inserted uncooked rice into the mouth of the body. This step should not be done if the family has a particular religion. After putting the rice into the mouth, the body is transferred to the coffin. Family members, including close relatives, of the deceased will wear mourning clothes. Usually, mourning for a woman includes traditional Korean attire, Hanbok, and mourning for men including a suit. The color should be black. The ritual ceremony begins when they are done with changing clothes and preparing food for the deceased. The ritual ceremonies differ depending on their religion. After the ritual ceremony family members will start greeting guests.
On the third day, the family decides whether to bury a corpse on the ground or to cremate the body. If they decide to bury a corpse on the ground, three people from the family sprinkle the dirt in the crates three times. In the case of cremation, there is nothing special to do such as the burial of the land. All it needs is a jar to place the burned bone and a place for storing jars.
In addition to these facts, in Korea, people who come to the funeral bring condolences. Also, a meal called Yukgaejang is served to guests often with Korean alcohol called soju.
In Mongolia
Like many other cultures, funerary practices in Mongolia are the most important rituals they follow. They have mixed their rituals with Buddhists for creating a unique new way of death.
For Mongolians who are very strict in terms of their traditions, there are three different ways of burial that can be chosen by the family. The main one is the burial in the open air, and the other is cremation and embalming. There are many factors that decide to practice funerals. It consists of the family social position, the cause of death and the specific location they inherit. The main people chosen to be embalmed are those who are separated from the Lamaistic Church, by choosing this practice, they are usually buried in a sitting position. This will show that they will always be in a position to pray. Also, more important people like nobles will be buried with guns, horses and food in their coffins to help them prepare for the next world.
The specially constructed coffin is designed by three to four relatives, especially men. To determine how big the coffin is, the builder will bring the board to the hut where the dead are and unite the box and the lid. The same person who helped collect the coffin also helped decorate the funeral. Much of this work is done after sunset. With very specific instructions, they do the decoration inside the house of the youngest daughter. The reason for this is that the deceased is not disturbed at night.
In Vietnam
In Vietnam, Buddhism is the most commonly practiced religion, however, the burial method that most does not coincide with Buddhist beliefs of cremation.
The deceased's body was moved to a loved one and placed in an expensive coffin. The body usually stays there for about three days, allowing time for people to visit and put gifts in the mouth. It stems from the Vietnamese belief that the dead should be surrounded by their families. This belief goes further including including superstitions as well. If someone is dying in Vietnamese culture, they rush home from the hospital so they can die there, because if they die away from home it is believed bad luck to take the morgue.
Many services are also held in Vietnam's funeral practice. One was held before moving the coffin from home and the other held at the funeral site. After the burial of a loved one, incense burned in the cemetery and the tribute is paid to all the nearest graves. After this, family and friends return home and enjoy a party to celebrate the life just died. Even after the deceased was buried, respect and honor continued. For the first 49 days after the funeral, the family holds a memorial service every 7 days, in which family and friends return together to celebrate the lives of their loved ones. After this, they meet again on the 100th day after death, then 265 days after death, and finally they meet on the anniversary of the death of their loved one, a year later, to continue to celebrate the glorious life they recently departed.
African Cemetery
Ancient Egyptian
West Africa
African cemetery is usually open to many visitors. The habit of burying the dead on the floor of a dwelling house has come to a prevalent level on the African Gold Coast. The ceremony depends on the ethnic traditions of the deceased. The funeral can last for a week. Another habit, a kind of warning, often occurs seven years after the man's death. These cemeteries and especially those warnings may be very expensive for the family in question. Cattle, sheep, goats, and poultry, can be offered and then consumed.
Ashanti and Akan ethnic groups in Ghana usually wear red and black during the funeral. For special family members, there is usually a funeral celebration with singing and dancing to honor the life of the deceased. Afterwards, Will perform funeral funerals and burials with an intense grief display. Another cemetery in Ghana is held with the deceased being put into "complex fantasy chests" that are colored and shaped after certain objects, such as fish, crabs, boats, and even airplanes. The Kane Kwei Carpentry Workshop in Teshie, named after Seth Kane Kwei who invented the new style of this coffin, has become an international reference to this art form.
Some diseases, such as Ebola can be spread by customary burial including touching the dead. However, safe burial can be achieved by following a simple procedure. For example, letting relatives see the faces of the dead before the bag of bodies is closed and taking photographs, if desired, can greatly reduce the risk of infection without overly impacting the funeral habits.
East Africa
In Kenya funerals are an expensive job. Putting the corpse in the morgue to allow fundraising is a common occurrence in urban areas. Some families choose to bury their dead in rural homes rather than city graves, so spend more money to transport the dead.
Historical Mausoleums
Tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang
The first emperor of the Qin dynasty, Qin Shi Huang's tomb is located in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. Tomb of Qin Shi Huang is one of the World Heritage sites in China. Its outstanding features and size have been recognized as one of the most important historical sites in China. Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor to unite China for the first time. The mausoleum was built in 247 BC after he became emperor of the Qin Dynasty.
Ancient Chinese mausoleum has unique characteristics compared to other cultures. Ancient Chinese thought that the soul remains even after death, (the immortal soul) considers funeral practices as an important tradition. From their long history, the construction of the tomb has evolved over time, creating an ancient monumental and massive emperor's tomb.
Archaeologists have found more than 8,000 human-sized figures that resemble troops that surround the emperor's tomb. The main purpose of Terracotta Terracotta placement is to protect the emperor's tomb. The numbers consist of clay and fragments of pottery. Terracotta's army resembles soldiers, horses, government officials, and even musicians. All images are made very thoroughly and smoothly. The arrangements and weapons they carried were similar to the real guns of the time. In addition, their facial features are not identical, but with unique features and details.
Tomb of the Ming and Qing Dynasty Empire
The Imperial Tombs of Ming and Qing Dynasties are included as World Heritage Sites. Three Tombs of the Qin Dynasty Empire were also inscribed in 2000 and 2003. All three tombs were all built in the 17th century. The cemetery had been built to praise the emperors of the Qing Dynasty and their ancestors. In tradition, the Chinese have followed Feng Shui to build and decorate the interior. All tombs are strictly made followed by Feng Shui theory. The harmony between the architecture and the surrounding topographic structure is seen as an integral part of nature. According to the theory of Feng Shi, to build a tomb, there must be a mountain on the north side and the lowlands in the south. In the west and east, the river should be placed.
The Imperial Tombs of Ming and Qing Dynasties clearly demonstrate the cultural and architectural tradition that has rocked the region for over 500 years. There is an incredible harmony between the surrounding nature and its architecture. In Chinese culture, the grave is considered a portal between the world of the living and the dead. The Chinese believe that
Source of the article : Wikipedia