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Understanding How to Use Dangling Prepositions With Examples
src: media.buzzle.com

Stranding preposition , sometimes called P-stranding , is a syntactic construct in which the preposition by object occurs somewhere other than directly adjacent to its object; for example, at the end of a sentence. The foreground is then depicted as stranded , hanging , or hanging . Such constructions are found mainly in English and in several other Germanic languages ​​or dialects. The presuppositional presuppositions are also found in languages ​​outside the Germanic family, such as Vata and Gbadi (two languages ​​in the Niger-Congolese family), and several French dialects used in North America.

Video Preposition stranding

In English

In English, stranded prepositions are found, for example in open interrogations, wh relatives, and passive constructs sometimes known as passive or prepositional pseudopassives.

  • Open interrogation often takes the form of a wh - (starting with a word like what or who ).
What are you talking about about ?
  • Relative clauses in English may indicate a stranded preposition with or without an explicit relative pronoun:
This is the book that I told you about .
This is the book I told you about .
Passive passive is the result of the movement of the preposition object to fill the empty subject position for a passive verb. This phenomenon is proportional to the ordinary passive, which is formed through the movement of the object from the verb to the subject position. In prepositional passivity, unlike in wh moves, the object of the preposition is not the words but the pronoun or noun:
This bed looks as if it has fallen asleep on .

The excessive avoidance of irregular prepositions leads to phrases that sound unnatural, especially when the foregoing is part of the verb phrase idiom, as follows, which apocryphically is associated with Winston Churchill. Notice the verb is the phrasal verb "put up with", divided into a funny effect:

This is some kind of boring crap with which I will not put.

There is a verbal idiom in English that includes more than one preposition, so it is possible to have more than one abandoned preposition, for example in a sentence

"He is a good manager, a person who looks up by all of them." [Example of The Cambridge Grammar of English ]

An extreme example of a sentence with five first words at the end:

"A father from a boy goes up after dinner to read to his son, but he carries the wrong book. The boy says, 'What you bring the book I do not want to read < b> to exit? ' "

Opinion for and against

Stranding prepositions are being used long before English speakers object to it. Many sources consider it acceptable in standard formal English. "The great literature from Chaucer to Milton to Shakespeare to the King James Version of the Bible is full of so-called terminal prepositions."

Mignon Fogarty ("Grammar Girl") says, "almost all grammarians agree that it's okay to end the sentence with a preposition, at least in some cases." Use of Modern English Fowler says that "One of the most persistent myths about the preposition word in English is that the words actually belong before the words or words they specify and should not placed at the end of the clause or sentence. "

The prohibition against prepositions that were stranded in English was probably first created by poet John Dryden in 1672 when he objected to the 1611 phrase Ben Jonson "the body whose souls were frightened of". Dryden did not explain why he thought the sentence had to be restructured ahead of the preposition. Dryden often imitated his writing in Latin, which he considered short, elegant, and long-lived languages ​​to compare his writing. Since Latin does not have a phrase ending with a preposition, Dryden may have applied Latin grammar to English, thus forming a rule without a preposition that ends a sentence, which is then adopted by another author.

Other grammarians have supported the practice with analogies with Latin, such as Robert Lowth, who used the constructs when he wrote in his 1762 book Brief Introduction to Grammar English that it is more suitable for informal than for formal Language English: "This is an Idiom that is strongly influenced by our language, it applies in general conversation, and fits perfectly with the usual styles of writing, but the preface of the Preface is relatively graceful, and more easily understood, and agrees much better with Style solemn and exalted. "The ban is still taught in schools at the beginning of the 21st century.

Maps Preposition stranding

In the Netherlands

There are two kinds of pre-positioning constructions in Dutch, both of which actually involve the exclusion of postposition .

Directional construction

The first case involves directional construction. Some Dutch general presuppositions may be used either positively or positively, with slight changes in the possible sense; for example, the Dutch in can mean in or being when used in a prepositional manner, but can only mean be when used postpositional. When postposition, such adaptations can be stranded:

  • wh-movement : Welk boss i liep hij ___ i in ?
literally, Which forest i is running him ___ i to ?
i.e., What forest did he enter?
  • short range motion : [...] dat hij zo'n donker boss niet in durft te lopen [...]
literally, [...] that he as dark forest does not be dare to walk [...]
i.e., [...] that he did not dare walk into a dark forest like that [...]

Another way to analyze such examples above is to allow the arbitrary "postposition verb" sequence to act as a transitive prefix verb separated (eg in lopen -> inlopen >); but such an analysis would not be consistent with the position in in the second example. (The postposition can also appears in the position of the verbal prefix: [...] dat hij zo'n donker boss niet durft in te lopen [...] .)

R -pronouns

The Dutch prepositions generally do not take the usual neutral pronouns ( het , dat , wat , etc.) as objects. Instead, they become postpositional suffixes for r -pronouns related ( er , daar , waar , etc.) : hence, not above het ( about it ), but er over (literally there is about ). However, r -pronouns can sometimes be moved to the left, thus cutting postposition:

  • Wij praises er niet above .
literally, We talk there no about .
i.e., We are not talking about it.
  • Waar praised wij for ?
literally, Where is talking about about ?
i.e., What are we talking about?

Understanding How to Use Dangling Prepositions With Examples
src: media.buzzle.com

In German

Some German regional varieties show a phenomenon similar to some of the Dutch constructions with the form da (r) - and wo (r) - . This is called split construction ("Spaltkonstruktion"). Standard German provides composite words for particles and bonded prepositions. The split occurs easily with composite interrogative words (as shown in the English example) or with the joint demonstrative words (as shown in the Dutch example).

For example the demonstrative "davon" ( it / of them / from it ):

  • The German standard requires - Ich kann mir davon nichts leisten.
literally, I can I no one can.
i.e., I can not afford it.
  • Some dialects permit - kann mir da nichts von leisten.
literally, I can there - [truncated] nothing from capable.
i.e., I can not afford it.
  • The emphasis can move forward - Da kann ich mir nichts von kaufen.
literally, There - [truncated] can I not buy from .
i.e., I can not afford to buy those things.

Similarly to the question word "woher" ( from where / of what ):

  • Standard German requires - Woher hat Marie das Kleid bekommen?
literally, Wherefrom has Marie got her skirt?
i.e., Where did Marie get her skirt?
  • Some dialects permit - Wo Marie das Kleid hat he are notorious?
literally, Where has Marie skirt from get?
i.e., Where did Marie get her skirt?

Again, although the stranded postposition has nearly the same surface distribution as a detachable verbal prefix ("herbecommen" is a valid composite verb), it is impossible to analyze these Dutch and German examples in terms of the re-analyzed verb < i> overpraten and * vonkaufen , for the following reasons:

  • Stranded construction is possible with prepositions that never appear as verbal prefixes that can be separated (eg, van Dutch, German von ).
  • Confusing is not possible with any object other than r -pronoun.
  • The prefix verb is emphasized in the prefix; in the string " von kaufen " in the above sentence, the preposition can not be accented.
    • and the pronunciation allows to distinguish the actual use of a verb like "herbekommen" from a separate construction "bekommennya".

Never end a sentence with a preposition! - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

In French

Some non-standard French dialects seem to have developed a stranded preposition as a result of a language contact with English. The erosion of the preposition has been found in areas where Francophone populations are under intense contact with English, including certain parts of Alberta, Northern Ontario, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Louisiana. This is found (but very disgraceful) in the highly informal French of Quebec. For example, Prince Edward Island French permits all three stranded preposition types:

  • Wh-movement : Qui est-ce que tu as fait le gÃÆ' Â ¢ teau pour ?
Who did you create cake for ?
Standard French: Pour qui est-ce que tu as fait le gÃÆ' Â ¢ teau?
  • Pseudopassives : Robert's meeting aà © à © tà ©  © parlÃÆ'  © beaucoup de au.
Robert talked a lot about the meeting.
Standard French: On partial beaucoup parlÃÆ' Â © de Robert au meeting.
  • Relative clause : Guess text message de .
You do not know the girl I was talking to you about about .
Standard French: Tu ne connais pas la fille do not je te parle.
Other wider non-standard variants: Tu ne connais pas la fille que je te parle.

For standard French ears, these constructs all sound quite unfamiliar, and thus are considered as barbarism or "anglicism". However, not all French dialects allow prepositions to be stranded at the same level. For example, Ontario French limits deluded prepositions to relative clauses with specific prepositions; in most dialects, stranded is not possible with the preposition of ÃÆ' (to) and de (of).

A similar superficial construction is possible in standard French in cases where the object is not moved, but implied, such as Je Suis pour ("I am all for that") or Il faudra agir selon ("We must act according to (situation)").

Can you end a sentence with a preposition? | OxfordWords blog
src: blog.oxforddictionaries.com


  • Cutts, Martin (2009). Oxford Guides to Plain English (third edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-955850-6.
  • O'Conner, Patricia T.; Kellerman, Stewart (2009). Origins of the Specious: English Myths and Misconceptions . New York: Random House. ISBN: 978-0-8129-7810-0. Ã,

Understanding How to Use Dangling Prepositions With Examples
src: media.buzzle.com


English Every Week | Lesson 37 | Wattpad Amino
src: pm1.narvii.com


Further reading

  • Guide an internet pilgrim for abandoned prepositions
  • Haegeman, Liliane, and Jacqueline GuÃÆ'Â © ron. 1999. Grammar: Generative Perspective . Oxford: Blackwell. ISBNÃ, 0-631-18839-8.
  • Hornstein, Norbert, and Amy Weinberg. 1981. "Case theory and preposition stranding." Linguistic Question 12: 55-91. Hornstein, N.; Weinberg, A. (January 1, 1981). "Case Theory and Preposition Stranding". Linguistic Questions . 12 (1): 55-91. ISSNÃ, 0024-3892. JSTORÃ, 4178205.
  • Koopman, Hilda. 2000. "Preposition, postposition, circle of circle, and particle." In Define and Head Syntax , pp. 204-260. London: Routledge. ISBNÃ, 0-415-16183-5.
  • Lundin, Leigh (2007-09-23). "The Power of Prepositions". When Writing . Cairo: Criminal Brief.
  • Takami, Ken-ichi. 1992. Stranding Prepositions: From Syntactic to Functional Analysis . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN 3-11-013376-8.
  • van Riemsdijk, Henk. 1978. Case Study in Tagging Syntax: Binding Properties of Prepositional Phrases . Dordrecht: Foris. ISBNÃ, 90-316-0160-8.
  • Fowler, Henry. 1926. "Prepositions in the end." Dictionary of Modern English Use. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Wordsworth edition reprinted, 1994, ISBNÃ, 1-85326-318-4

Source of the article : Wikipedia
