Selasa, 10 Juli 2018

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Conceptual Business Illustration With The Words Adjusted Current ...

Current adjusted earnings are financial terms used in references to bonds and other fixed-interest securities. This is closely related to the concept of the current results.

Hasil arus yang disesuaikan diberikan oleh hasil saat ini dengan penambahan                                                                (                                 Nilai wajah                               -                                 Harga bersih                              )                                /                                                Tahun hingga jatuh tempo                                          Harga bersih                             ?          100         %         .                  {\ displaystyle {\ frac {({\ text {Nilai wajah}} - {\ text {Clean price}})/{\ text {Years to maturity}}} { \ text {Bersihkan harga}}} \ cdot 100 \%.}   

Here face value is the face value of the bond, and the net price is the net price of the bond (ie the present value of the bond with reduced deductible interest).

Video Adjusted current yield

The formula for the currently customized results

Secara total penyesuaian hasil saat ini diberikan oleh                                                 Pembayaran kupon tahunan              Harga bersih                             ?          100         %                                                          (                                 Nilai wajah                               -                                 Harga bersih                              )                                /                                                Tahun hingga jatuh tempo                                          Harga bersih                             ?          100         %         .                  {\ displaystyle {\ frac {\ teks {Pembayaran kupon tahunan}} {\ teks {Harga bersih}}} \ cdot 100 \% {\ frac {({\ text {Nilai wajah}} - {\ text {Harga bersih}})/{\ text {Tahun hingga jatuh tempo}}} {\ text {Harga bersih}}} \ cdot 100 \%.}   

Maps Adjusted current yield


Source of the article : Wikipedia
